Our Site,, is owned and operated by ULESTAFICAZ - UNIPESSOAL LDA, a company registered in Portugal under reg. number 517550687, whose registered address is Campo Grande N 28 7 С, 1700-093 Lisboa, Portugal.
ULESTAFICAZ - UNIPESSOAL LDA is a company incorporated under the law of Portugal. These Terms apply to any access and use of our website at, our online services, and any of our services related to or utilizing any of the foregoing, which we refer to in these Terms, collectively, as our Services. These terms also apply to microelectronic devices: Net Balance, Net Expert, Net Expert Profi, Net Watch, collectively “NetCloud system Devices” and to web-based environment NetCloud system.
By using the Service at named "NetCloud system" and/or mobile application "NetCloud", you agree to be legally bound by these terms of use / disclaimer ("Terms of Use"). If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, do not proceed to further.
- ULESTAFICAZ - UNIPESSOAL LDA products portfolio (Service "", a mobile application "NetCloud" and “NetCloud system Devices”) is proposed forward for informative use only and is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. ULESTAFICAZ - UNIPESSOAL LDA does not provide medical advice and cannot totally guarantee a precise outcome as a result of you taking any course of advised manipulations with obtained microelectronic NetCloud system Devices. Neither the devices nor the software is medical.
- ULESTAFICAZ - UNIPESSOAL LDA utilizes robust evidence-based practices, the information provided is based on a subset of Bio - Resonance markers and only one part of a much larger picture. There could be other untested reasons, environmental factors, lifestyle variations and expressions that are important predictors of the aspects within the report.
- Please pursue the advice of your Doctor, or/and Physician with any questions you may have regarding your physical or/and psychological health and wellbeing. Prior to making any variations to your therapy, diet or lifestyle practices, you must first consult a qualified healthcare provider, GP or relevant Doctor.
- You as the receiver of the NetCloud system report are solely responsible for the way the information is interpreted, acted upon and be aware that any advice you follow you do so at your own risk. In no way will ULESTAFICAZ - UNIPESSOAL LDA or any persons associated with ULESTAFICAZ - UNIPESSOAL LDA be held accountable for any injuries, ailment or ill health that might occur because of the use of information provided by ULESTAFICAZ - UNIPESSOAL LDA or the advice contained within your report or given out during a consultation. If you feel you may require emergency services, you must contact your doctor or the relevant ambulance, police or fire service.
- We at ULESTAFICAZ - UNIPESSOAL LDA make no demonstrations or guarantees in conjunction with any treatment, action, application or usage of supplementation, medication, preparation or other product or service by any client following the information offered or provided within or through the report or a follow-up consultation.
- Neither ULESTAFICAZ - UNIPESSOAL LDA, its successors, employees, partners, suppliers, agents and representatives, nor any other party involved in the creation, production or delivering of the ULESTAFICAZ - UNIPESSOAL LDA report and consultation is liable for any direct, incidental, indirect or any other damages arising from misinterpreting whether purposeful or accidental of the advice given. This includes, but is not limited to, injury, illness, death or economic/financial loss.
- ULESTAFICAZ - UNIPESSOAL LDA excludes to the fullest extent permitted by law all warranties, conditions, terms and undertakings, expressed or implied, whether by statute, common law, custom, trade usage, course of dealings or otherwise in respect of the goods and services provided by ULESTAFICAZ - UNIPESSOAL LDA Nothing in this clause shall affect your statutory rights as a consumer.
- The statements and recommendations given have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure disease. It is assumed the user, as their primary care provider, will consult with or refer themselves to a herbalist, LAc, OMD, ND, DC or D.V.M as they deem necessary.